Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Call for Volunteers: 50 for Freedom of Speech Milwaukee

To get involved, email today!

- Beverages (Wine, Soda, and Water)
- $ Funds
Help us secure:
- Beverage sponsors
- Funding sources or book donors (of specific books)
- Partners - planning, sponsorship, volunteers, etc.

Volunteer your time for a full or partial shift on September 21, 2012:
- Set-up (4:00-6:00 pm)
- Clean-up (8:00-10:00 pm)
- Food/Beverage Service (5:00-9:00 pm)
- Silent Auction Table (5:30-9:00 pm)
- Photographer (5:30-9:00 pm)
- Videographer (5:30-9:00 pm)

Help with publicity:
- Like us on Facebook and share our event at
- Follow us on Twitter at @LibrosMilwaukee
- Visit our blog at Librotraficante Milwaukee at

Friday, August 17, 2012

50 for Freedom of Speech Milwaukee

Are you planning to attend the 50 for Freedom of Speech Milwaukee event on September 21, 2012?

This event will celebrate Mexican American and Ethnic Studies literature and art through readings of banned book selections and artwork created by local and national authors/artists/activists. This event will launch the campaign to collect books and raise funds to support the underground library, "Libros Milwaukee."

Date/Time: September 21, 2012, 6-9 p.m.

Location: Dr. Filiberto & Carmen Murguia Campus, Centro Hispano Milwaukee, 1645 S 36th Street, Lower Level, Milwaukee, WI 53215

Cost:  Free admission

Check out our event page on Facebook to follow the conversation and share with your friends.

Monday, August 6, 2012

What is a Librotraficante?

A Librotraficante knows that books that are banned, boxed, or stored are all censored. 

A Librotraficante is a person that defies censorship of Ethnic Studies teaching and literature. 

A Librotraficante works to ensure that cultural knowledge is preserved and protected.

A Librotraficante will facilitate access to Ethnic Studies through conversation, teaching, art, theater, and books.

Check out the official Librotraficante Manifesto developed by Tony Diaz at

So, are you a Librotraficante? 

Join the national movement by participating in 50 for Freedom of Speech on September 21, 2012.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Banned Book List

Banned Books at Modern Times
Make room on your nightstand for a banned book!  Check out a book from the (now dismantled) Tucson Unified School District's Mexican American Studies program reading list.  Hurry to your Librotraficante Underground Library, local public library, or independent bookstore to get your copies.  If these books are not available in your area, do your part to promote equitable information access in your community: urge your public library to add these books to the library collection; request the local bookstore have these books on hand for people to browse and purchase on the spot; start an underground library in your community.
Learn about the books at The Battleground for America’s Narrative: An Annotated Bibliography of 80 Banned Books in Arizona compiled by Elaine Romero

Thursday, August 2, 2012

50 for Freedom of Speech

In solidarity with the Librotraficante Movement Nationwide: 50 for Freedom of Speech we are planning an event for September 21, 2012 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Friday, September 21, 2012 the Librotraficante Movement will unite the states of the United States of America. The Librotraficantes will organize literary actions on the same day in each state to defy Arizona’s Ban of Mexican American Studies which is poised to spread just as Arizona’s Anti-immigration movement spread.
However, this time, every American’s right to Freedom of Speech is at stake.
Visit for more details on 50 for Freedom of Speech.

The event will celebrate Mexican American literature and art through readings of banned book selections and will highlight artwork created by local and national authors/artists/activists. 
This event will launch the campaign to collect books and raise funds to support the Milwaukee Librotraficante Underground Library.  Our goal is to collect donations of 300 books (3-4 copies of each 85 books listed on the TUSD MAS reading list) and $3,000 to set up the underground library.  We have identified a potential location for the library, and we are working on the final proposal to be approved by an amazing community organization.

If you are interested in getting involved with the movement, please email librotraficantemilwaukee[at]

Librotraficante Milwaukee

The Librotraficante movement is taking place across the United States - people coming together to celebrate and advocate for intellectual freedom and cultural knowledge.  The Milwaukee branch of this movement is in motion.  We are laying the infrastructure for an underground library in Milwaukee and developing plans for a 50 for Freedom of Speech September 21, 2012 event in solidarity with Librotraficantes around the country.

Watch for details via Twitter @LibrosMilwaukee.  Contact librotraficantemilwaukee[at] for more information.