To get involved, email librotraficantemilwaukee@gmail .com today!
- Beverages (Wine, Soda, and Water)
- $ Funds
- Beverages (Wine, Soda, and Water)
- $ Funds
Help us secure:
- Beverage sponsors
- Funding sources or book donors (of specific books)
- Partners - planning, sponsorship, volunteers, etc.
Volunteer your time for a full or partial shift on September 21, 2012:
- Set-up (4:00-6:00 pm)
- Clean-up (8:00-10:00 pm)
- Food/Beverage Service (5:00-9:00 pm)
- Silent Auction Table (5:30-9:00 pm)
- Photographer (5:30-9:00 pm)
- Videographer (5:30-9:00 pm)
Help with publicity:
- Like us on Facebook and share our event at
- Beverage sponsors
- Funding sources or book donors (of specific books)
- Partners - planning, sponsorship, volunteers, etc.
Volunteer your time for a full or partial shift on September 21, 2012:
- Set-up (4:00-6:00 pm)
- Clean-up (8:00-10:00 pm)
- Food/Beverage Service (5:00-9:00 pm)
- Silent Auction Table (5:30-9:00 pm)
- Photographer (5:30-9:00 pm)
- Videographer (5:30-9:00 pm)
Help with publicity:
- Like us on Facebook and share our event at
- Follow us on Twitter at @LibrosMilwaukee
- Visit our blog at Librotraficante Milwaukee at http:// librotraficantemilwaukee.blogsp
- Visit our blog at Librotraficante Milwaukee at http://