Adriana McCleer
(414) 459-1115
Milwaukee, WI - Arizona’s ban of Mexican American Studies in the Tucson Unified School District has sparked a movement and a national call to action to stand in solidarity with the Tucson community. The 50 for Freedom of Speech Milwaukee event will unite supporters of
Mexican American Studies, Ethnic Studies, and intellectual freedom in a proactive movement to make Mexican American literature and Ethnic Studies literature available and accessible to the Milwaukee community. The free event will be held on Friday, September 21, 2012, 6-9 p.m. at Dr. Filiberto & Carmen Murguia Campus, Lower Level, 1645 S. 36th St, Milwaukee, WI 53215.
The Tucson Unified School District’s (TUSD) Mexican American Studies (MAS) program was a successful initiative to help close the Latino academic achievement gap in the district. It received national recognition in the field of education and documented notable success in student achievement. In 2011, this program was ruled in violation of a newly formed Arizona law designed specifically to attack this program. In January 2012, all Mexican American Studies teaching activities were suspended and books used in the courses were removed from classrooms and put into storage. In response to this injustice, Tony Diaz founded the Librotraficante movement in Houston, TX in an effort to “smuggle” the banned books back into Tucson.
Inspired by this movement, three participants of the Latino Nonprofit Leadership Program are organizing the creation of an underground library in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. “Libros Milwaukee” will be focused on Mexican American expression, perspective, and history and will highlight Ethnic Studies literature that is meaningful and affirming of the identities and experiences of individuals of color.
The 50 for Freedom of Speech Milwaukee event will launch the campaign to collect books and raise funds to support Libros Milwaukee. The goal is to collect donations of 300 books (3-4 copies of each book listed on the TUSD MAS reading list) and funds to set up the underground library. The 50 for Freedom of Speech Milwaukee event will celebrate the Mexican American
Studies curriculum through readings from the books banned from the curriculum and live theater presentations from local writers and performance artists. An art show/silent auction will serve as a fundraiser to support the creation of Libros Milwaukee and to contribute to the Tucson Raza Defense Fund.
Libros Milwaukee seeks to eliminate barriers of access and provide a welcoming environment where community members of all ages, races, and ethnicities can access Mexican American cultural works and Ethnic Studies literature. To learn more, like us on Facebook/LibrotraficanteMKE and follow us on Twitter @LibrosMilwaukee.